First, install Groovy and Gradle. This can be done by downloading and installing the binaries offered in their respective websites or using your favorite package manager.
Make sure you add Gradle bin dir to your PATH and test installation using the following commands on your shell:
On IntelliJ, Groovy's plugin is usually installed by default and Gradle's not. On the plugin list screen click on Install JetBrains plugin... and make sure both plugins are installed.
Both IntelliJ 12 and 13 have the plugin for Gradle, but 12 doesn't have a full support so that it doesn't offer a Gradle project creation wizard for example. That's not a big deal, IntelliJ 12 is perfectly capable of applying the Gradle facet or import existing Gradle projects through build.gradle files. Most important, the JetGradle panel is available on both versions. That is the interface that will abstract Gradle's console commands and behaves very similarly to Maven or ant IDE tools.
Now let's start building our web app: create a build.gradle file on the root of the project, click on the JetGradle tab and then click on the Add link. Search your recently generated build.gradle file and click Ok. This will integrate JetGradle to your project.
If it is your first time using the Gradle IntelliJ plugin, the IDE might ask you to point your Gradle installation. Go to Preferences and on the Project Settings menu select the Gradle tab on the left column. The <Gradle project> field should contain your build.gradle file path. The <Gradle home> field should contain your Gradle installation path (in my case /usr/local/Cellar/gradle/1.8/libexec because I used brew to install it)
You can use the command below in the shell in case you need help finding your gradle installation path.
which gradle
Gradle is highly configurable, but relies strongly on default tasks. For them to work, your web project should follow this structure:
├── build.gradle
└── src
└── main
├── java
│ └── com
│ └── moody
│ └── model
└── webapp
│ └── web.xml
Tip: If you create these folders mannually, in order to get
IntelliJ to recognize these folders as src folders
Right click on
src/main/java and Mark directory as a Source folder (in blue)
Right click on
src/test/java and Mark directory as a Test Source folder (in green)
If you have trouble creating the directory structure, try disabling the
<Compact empty middle packages> on the Project panel configuration.
Now let's create a very simple web application using
Gradle's convention over configuration features to use an embedded Jetty server. Add this to your
build.gradle file:
The first block will require
jetty plugin, which will require
war and
java plugins as well. That will provide all default tasks for build a
web and
jetty application(and handle embedding the server in the application.
The second block will add
mavenCentral to the list of repositories where
Gradle will look for dependencies.
The third block will add
Spark web framework as a dependency of the project.
We're going to use
Spark, a lightweight web framework for
Java that will allow us to use Routes to respond to http requests. As we will be using the embedded
Jetty server, a little configuration on the web.xml file will be necessary in order for
Spark to use the Jetty server.
Now go to
JetGradle view and click on
Refresh Gradle Project. It might take a little while because dependencies might be downloaded. This will analyze all changes in the project and in the build file, import dependencies and etc. This will also refresh the list of available tasks in the tab
Tasks. Clicking on it, you will see many defaults tasks.
Gradle allows you to create your own tasks and establish dependencies between them. In our case, we'll use
Gradle's java and jetty plugins default tasks to build our web server with almost no configuration at all.
To start the application execute the
jettyRun task(available on the
JetGradle tab) that will compile, package and deploy the application.
Test it by browsing the URL:
Now that's a very simple example of the simplicity of
Gradle's automation tool. In very few lines of code we managed to handle a web application build and deploy. We also handled the management of other transitive dependencies.
The verbosity is amazingly little and
Gradle also offer many other features. What I really like about it is the Task-like approach that reminds me of
Ant, and avoids the overly complex configuration that
Maven needs. The
build.gradle file would be a mix of an
ant build file and
pom.xml, leveraging best features of both worlds.
And even though in this walkthrough I emphasized the nice IntelliJ interface for using it, Gradle can be used entirely through the console, just like Maven and ant.
The relationship between java plugin default tasks(from Gradle User Guide):
Awesome documentation can be found at: